Helping people with
dementia make full use
of their strengths is an
essential part of care
Course topics
Our training can cover any area related to the care and support of people with dementia, including:
Facts about dementia:
Signs and symptoms, types of dementia, risk factors, prevalence, the brain, other factors causing difficulties
Insight into the experience of dementia:
Perspectives and feelings
Care approach:
Recognising and addressing physical and psychological needs, promoting independence
Maintaining personhood:
Developing knowledge of the individual, supporting relationships, upholding rights, developing life story work
Occupation and activities:
Activity and engagement throughout the day, finding occupations to suit individuals, sensory activities, facilitating groups
Overcoming barriers, responding to strong feelings, empathy and validation, responding to different realities, reminiscence, creating a positive social environment
Identifying feelings and needs, interpreting messages, recognising triggers, reflecting on staff approach, understanding and responding to behaviours staff find challenging (e.g. aggression, refusing help, walking, sexual expression)
Supporting carers of people with dementia:
Addressing emotional and practical needs, facilitating involvement
Goals and planning:
Care planning, risk assessment and management, creating a dementia-friendly environment, well-being in dementia
Leading dementia care:
Managing a service for people with dementia, developing the role of Dementia Champions
Training for trainers in dementia care
Counselling and listening skills in working with people with dementia
Learning disability and dementia
Dementia and mental health problems