When staff are empowered and
supported and the whole team
is working towards common
goals, everyone benefits.

Consultancy services

Our range of consultancy services support health and social care providers to develop person-centred cultures of care. Whatever your organisation’s needs to enable improved outcomes for people with dementia, we can help.

Front-line staff support

Practical support and guidance for front-line staff
We aim to enable staff to develop enhanced communication skills and practices and implement new learning. This is done by working alongside staff in their day-to-day roles, providing feedback, advice and role modelling.

Occupations and activities development
We can support your staff team in identifying and providing meaningful and engaging occupations for individuals and groups developing care settings where activity is the norm.

Enhancing well-being action planning
We can help your staff develop their practice with individuals, supporting them to gain a deeper level of knowledge and understanding and to recognise and address factors impacting on individuals’ well-being and behaviour.

Group and 1-1 supervision and reflective practice sessions for staff of any grade
We work with small groups and individual staff members focusing on their strengths, difficulties, emotions and ideas – all with a view to developing increased insight and enhanced skills.

Facilitated reflective observation sessions and ‘Learning Walks’
Supporting staff to learn about needs and practices through observation and facilitated discussions.

Senior staff support

Leadership mentoring and workshops
For managers and team leaders supporting the leadership of person-centred practice.

‘Action learning set’ development and facilitation
Supporting members (usually senior team members) to define and take responsibility for their own projects, supporting each other through reflective questioning and active listening, through ‘action learning set’ methodology.

Creation of training resources for in-house delivery
We can create bespoke training sessions and courses, complete with all necessary resources and step-by-step guidance for in-house trainers to be able to deliver them. Train the trainer courses and 1-1 support are also available.

Strategic support

Support in developing effective key-worker systems
Ensuring that key-workers are much more than just a name on a care plan.

Strategy, policy and protocol development
Helping you ensure that your systems and processes support person-centred practice.

Recruitment guidance and involvement
We can assist in creating person specifications and job descriptions, advise on selection processes, write interview questions and sit on recruitment panels, all with a view to helping you recruit the right personnel to address the needs of your service users with dementia.

Care planning development
We can help you create truly person-centred plans for each individual with dementia your organisation supports.

Environmental assessment
Advice and guidance to ensure that your care environment is dementia friendly.

  • “Staff are more knowledgeable and confident, hence improved communication, understanding and improved relationships and atmosphere at (the care home)”
    Care Home Manager